Steel Standing

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

I only made the rubble in this image and set up the render.

These are renders of a project I worked on with Steve Henricks, Joseph Drust, Robert Melville, and Anthony Whitaker. Anthony is in charge of the project and designed the sculpture based on a photo entitled "Steel Standing" he took as a first responder after 9/11.
These models are going to be 3d printed and then cast in metal (I believe it will be steel, but I am not sure). There will be a 3 foot tall version that will be in The Pentagon where the planes hit and will serve as a memorial on that site. There are more talks to hopefully have a larger version somewhere in New York City.
Steve Henricks made the excavator and reworked some of the main structure as well as some other tweaks to various pieces. Joseph Drust made the two first responders (if that is the term). Robert Melville made the base and did the majority of the work on the main structure. I did all the work on the rubble, and I set up the renders.

June 12, 2016